
Tiger Woods says no timetable for return but is chipping and putting

Tiger Woods can chip and putt now. He can hit the occasional 9-iron into a simulator. He can even do push-ups.

However, in a new post Wednesday on his website, Woods mentioned nothing of a report suggesting he is hitting driver or offer a timetable for his return to competitive golf.

"My son Charlie and I compete in just about everything and have three-hole chipping contests," Woods wrote. "The loser has to do push-ups. My short game feels pretty sharp."

While Woods is working again on his golf form, he said he has lost significant strength since surgery, in part related to the natural atrophy that comes from having to lie down often as he recovers from a pair of Fall 2015 back surgeries. All told, Woods isn't in a position to say when he'll return to competition.

"While there is no timetable on my return to competitive golf, I want to play this game at the highest level again," he said. "In order to do that, I have to get healthy."

Woods' posting in recent days have been in response to reports and rumors that he faced a setback in his recovery. This Wednesday post may well be an attempt to head off questions of a possible return as he arrives near Houston for a ceremony at Bluejack National, his first U.S. golf course design.

Ryan Ballengee is a Yahoo Sports contributor. Find him on Facebook and Twitter.

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